Latest Message
Here at Calvary we believe that the final authority in all matters is the Word of God and because of that we center everything on the preaching of the Word. And while we appreciate music, kids classes, and other forms of worship, we believe that the primary purpose of gathering in the church is to hear the Word taught in such a way that brings glory to God.
Here for the next few months we will leave access to Mt. Repose Church's sermon archive as well for anyone who would like hear more of Pastor Rob and Pastor Josh or download specific sermons that touched your life.
Here for the next few months we will leave access to Mt. Repose Church's sermon archive as well for anyone who would like hear more of Pastor Rob and Pastor Josh or download specific sermons that touched your life.
A Healthy Church
Back to the basics
Firm Foundation
In His Words
Authorized: The use and misuse of the King James Bible
New days Old Demons
Signs of Rescue
Forgotten God Book Study
We Are The Church
Fight Club?!?
O My Soul
The Book of Acts
412 Youth Rally 2021
The Saved Get Judged
Church Online
Fasting 101
Vision Sunday 2021
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